Friday, May 27, 2011

Wow! My first Contest since my "Big Hotel Project"!

Sunlight on Flowers
16 x 20

From the minute I saw these geraniums in a small store off the road to Morah in Northern New Mexico, I fell in love. The light on these flowers was spectacular and I knew they were going to be on a canvas as soon as I got back.
Now that I have finished an extensive, one-year, local hotel project, I can now get back to my first love and spiritual journey, fine art painting.
The light in this painting is where my muse seems to always lead me.
I am now working on a series of reflections of light. After a long absence of being confined to hundreds of pen and ink drawings, I am now able to paint the kind of work that enriches my spirit and soothes my soul. I hope my paintings convey the spirit in which they are done.

Friday, May 20, 2011

OMG! Where has the past Year and a Half Gone!

Anne Land, "A Haven", created for Anne Lasko

My friend and fellow painter, Mark Malone, reminded me yesterday that I need to be blogging!
Well, no excuses here, just so many projects, I didn't take the time to let everyone know what the heck I was doing.
A year ago, June 1st, I contracted to do a very large City of Dallas Project, which I just completed.
Not really allowed to share the work until the project is public, I have been unable to share any of it, except to very close, personal friends. Maybe in December?
Still, no excuse. A large bat mitzvah that took a year of planning happened in March; an extensive project for Lamplighter School, lots of commissioned pet portraits and house portraits, individual drawings for Junius Heights Home Tour, shows too numerous to name and lots of painting in between. Whew, still no excuse.
Hopefully, I will get back to this rewarding piece of the journey.